Using a paper towel, pat down the wings until they are completely dry then season with the salt, pepper and Herbes dr Provence.
Heat the oil in a pot until 350 degrees. Fry the wings for 9-11 minutes until cooked through and crispy. Remove wings from oil and dry on a rack.
In a sauce pan, cook the pepperoni unntil they are slightly crispy, and have rendered out their oils. Remove and set aside.
Melt the butter in 2Tbsp of oil and add garlic. Cook for about 90 seconds until the garlic is fragrant. Add the Bravado Spice Serrano & Basil Hot Sauce.
Mix well, and then add half the cooked pepperoni and fried wings. Coat the wings well with the sauce, then garnish with the remaining pepperoni and fresh shaved parmesan.